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CarboFix "Piccolo" Distal Fibula & 1/3 Tubular Plates
Made of continuous carbon fibers reinforced polymer.​
The Distal Fibula plates are anatomically shaped.
Low profile: plate thickness 2.3mm.
Screw holes accommodate both locking and non-locking screws.
Polyaxial locking screws - up to 10° trajectory variation.
Circumference radiopaque marking outlining plate contour for positioning & follow-up.
CarboFix Distal Radius plates are FDA cleared and CE marked.

Distal Fibula Plate

Distal Fibula Plate

Distal Fibula Plate

Distal Fibula Plate
Distal Fibula Plate

1/3 Tubular plate
Radiolucent: Superior fracture imaging.
Unparalleled fatigue strength.
Improved modulus of elasticity.
No cold welding.
Available sizes

Head Locking & Non Locking Polyaxial Screws: Ø2.7mm
Shaft Locking & Non Locking Polyaxial Screws: Ø3.5mm
* CarboFix nails & plates are supplied sterile
** CarboFix nails & plates are also known as Piccolo Composite® nails & plates
Polyaxial Locking Screws
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